Friday, August 26, 2005


3rd Party Tablet PC app winner announced!

There have been a lot of great entries. Many of the applications I already knew about, some I’ve heard of before but never played with, and then others that I’d never heard of. I’d never even heard of Network Whiteboard before.

The person who won submitted this comment: The key phrase for me that tilted me toward this submitter was:

These four apps that what makes my Tablet PC a Tablet PC, otherwise it is a laptop.

I don’t know who you are, so you’ll need to email me at rob at zoeinc dot com to get your free copy of MathJournal.

Josh Einstein also summed it up well by saying:

The thing is, this is a tough question because the beauty of the Tablet PC is that your favorite applications still work on it. You just get unparalleled mobility and more comfortable interaction. So it's hard to find a need for too many "tablet-specific" apps.

What I saw in the comments were that a lot the  submitted apps were ones that took an existing app and made it better by ink-enabling it to take advantage of the pen interface: TEO, ActiveWords InkPad, MindManager

Then you had the tablet specific only apps like MathJournal, Network WhiteboardStrokeIt, etc.

So – what’s my “can’t do without” tablet app? The app reaches across my entire computing experience and it is what seperates my tablet pc from a laptop. MindManager and TEO come up right in there tied for a very close second, but there has always been one app that is continually open on my taskbar: GoBinder. Its’ the first app I install after getting reformatting and its’ the one that I’ve continued to use ever since getting a Tablet PC almost 3 years ago. The upcoming release of GoBinder 2006 will make that even more so.

What is Agilix doing with GoBinder 2006 that has you excited?
StrokeIt is NOT tabletPC-specific. I've used it on my desktop for years before the tabletPC.

robphy (TabletPCBuzz user)
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