Sunday, October 09, 2005


St. Louis is a true baseball city

I’m quickly finding out that St. Louis is a true baseball city. While the Cardinals were playing the Padres this week, almost all of the staff were wearing something red or t shirts with Cardinals on them. Various floors on the hospital have Mark McGuire posters, etc.

Seeing as how our beloved Colorado Rockies have pretty much stunk over the past several years, it feels pretty cool to actually be in a town that is alive with excitement over their team.

Houston will be playing in St. Louis this week for the NLCS. I’ve never been to a playoff game before – I’d love to catch a game; but given the circumstances, I just don’t see it happening while we are here. Maybe the next time we’ll actually plan a vacation to come to St. Louis and be able to really enjoy the city. An who knows, maybe we’ll even catch a game in a true baseball city.

For right now, I’ll enjoy it from the hospital room and join the rest of the staff as a newly adopted cardinals fan.

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